Pictures of our past works
Extra large Coho Salmon Sea Grass Scene 2006
Pictured in place. We made the base custom fit the curved glass shelf.
Extra large custom tropical sea grass scene in 3 sections

Three part extra large sea grass scene installed 2006
Custom Clown Fish Sea Grass Scene 2007
Custom Rainbow Trout with Brown Sea Grass 2008
Water Lilies and Koi 2011
Custom Large Tropical Fish Sea Grass 2015
Metal and Glass with Chinook Salmon Wall Hanging 2015
Custom Sea Life Wall Panels 2017
Custom Tropical Fish with Blue Sea Grass 2017
Tropical Fish Sea Grass in the Round 2009
Horse Heads on metal stands 2008
Clown Fish on Coral Sculptures 2008
Dolphin Bowl Sculptures in Teal and Aqua 2008 and 2012
Anemone, Urchin Bowl, Barnacle Cluster and Starfish 2008
Red Eared Pond Turtle Sculptures 2008
Sea Turtle on Splash Sculpture 2009